Friday, 27 May 2011


Being able to chose our own project was probably the best part of this project because you could either do something you knew you were good at or you could try something brand new that you've never tried before. Gaining new skills and experiences. For this project I decided to go with what I knew and did the project called Enchanting images. I have always loved fairy tale stories since a young age, making it really easy to connect with this project and use what I already knew about the stories and characters to create my own style.

To begin with it was hard to pick only one of the stories selected for us. I knew all of them really well which made it hard to chose between them. I narrowed my choices down by what has already been produced around the stories and whether I thought I could actually produce something that hasn't already been done. If its been done loads of times its really hard to lead away from that and create your own style. I ended up producing spider diagrams for both Snow White and Alice in Wonderland. After looking at what could be done with the stories I went with Alice in Wonderland because I know how bad I am with managing my time and thought that having to draw seven different dwarfs would be very time consuming, meaning my final drawings wouldn't have been to a high standard, they would have been rushed and I wouldn't have been happy with my results.

I had a few weaknesses throughout this project, even though I tried my hardest to organise my time efficiently, I ended up spending far too much time on the artist research because I kept finding new styles of work and examples of Alice in Wonderland that I liked, which kept lengthening my research time but making my time for actually creating my characters and final pieces very limited. This also meant that I wasn't able to experiment with the styles I had found either as much as I would have hoped. Another weakness was that for my final pieces I didn't get the Tea party drawing done, this was a disappointment because everyone recognises Alice in Wonderland with the Madhatter's Tea Party. I have seen a bright side of this disappointment though which is I haven't done the typical scene, but have still done some of the main ones that are still huge parts of the story.

I personally think my biggest strength in this project was actually my research. I found a lot of different styles of Alice in Wonderland so I knew what to avoid and what not to copy. Also I found different styles by artists that didn't look at Alice in Wonderland that I potentially thought could work with the story and I could possibly try if I had the time, unfortunately I didn't but I did try putting the images/drawings over the actual story pages which I thought was really effective but I felt they weren't as good because they weren't on the real pages on the book which would have been amazing, and would have given my final piece an amazing finish. But I borrowed the book from the library and wasn't able to draw on the real pages.

Overall I think that this project went really well, I may have had a few problems with my time and getting things finished but I think I did a good job in the end and I was very happy with all my final drawings. My favourite part of my images was probably the sketchy style to them making them look a bit messy. I'm also glad I just stuck to pen and paper as well and didn't add loads of bright colours and stuff. I think this would have ruined it personally, especially if I'd made a mistake half way through and ruined the whole picture. Keeping it simple was the best thing I could have done, also it means my work connects to the original drawings for Alice in Wonderland because they were all drawn by hand with no colour, just pen/pencil to paper. If I had more time I would definitely complete all my drawings and get the Madhatter's Tea Party in there and I would have experimented with the research more as well.

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