Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Typographic Skills

Kamal and Matt:

Typographics skills:
Typographic design analysis

Magazines: Vroom
(both magazines have a good layout)

Out of sight - festival (Logo - what the piece is about)
- blocking off bits of text (difference in boldness)

The arts of sweet nothing - A century of films
- order of preference (picture wants to be seen first)

Looking at type and image in relation to the page.
(change font size using the numbers going down a page)

Structure - Columns/Rows/Layout

Justifying can be good for a poster but not for a magazine.
Ragged edges (not straight)
Centering your text doesnt always work especially if there is a lot of text to read.

Contrast of weight SOCIETYfiance (can get rid of the space in the middle if the text is a different type and difference size)
Contrast of point size (David Carson)
- Championing the arts
- Think big
- My decision is for rape

Leading - tight leading (very tight space, not many gaps between lettering)
Negative leading - Different colours
- Overlapping text (PEDRO MEYER)
Colour coding can help break up the text

Kerning - A's and W's are usually what are really noticeable.

(Making text into a vector to be able to change the text
Type > Create Outlines
Villards Diagram
Keep all the background
Columns > Text frame options.)
This article was very simple, it was only one column. I looked at it to show how uncomplicated something can be, making it easy to read and easy to understand. When a page has loads of columns and images dotted all over the place I think it looks messy and makes it more illegible.

The image was a little wonky so was hard to copy, but I tried my best, this article had a lot going on. Five columns, image boxes overlapping. I found it quite complicated and compressed. Isn't really suitable for a normal article, it worked well for this particular page because there was loads of different things going on and having this complex structure separated the different aspects of the page.

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